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O.Z. Enterprises COVID-19 Policy

In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, O.Z. Enterprises is taking steps to protect the safety of our employees, partners and customers.  To comply with CDC guidelines, we have implemented the following steps:


  • Require employees to stay home for an extended period of time if they:

    • Have symptoms of acute respiratory illness (cough, shortness of breath, fever of 100.4° or greater)

    • Have a sick family member with COVID-19

    • Have had close contact with a person known to have COVID-19

  • Require employees to clean their hands often with hand sanitizer or wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds

  • Prohibit shared meals or gatherings in shares spaces

  • More regularly clean all shared spaces in the office

  • Cancel all non-essential business travel and meetings

  • Provide all employees with the option to work from home or remove themselves from a job site if they do not feel safe

  • Direct employees to maintain a 6-foot distance between themselves and other employees if an in-person meeting cannot be avoided


These measures will remain in place until we are directed otherwise by the CDC.  We are committed to doing everything we can do ensure the safety of our local community during these difficult times.

© 1995 by O.Z. Enterprises, LLC 

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